Welcome back to another update on the latest PlayStation Plus free games in June 2022. This month we see Sony pulling no punches in offering a wealth of games at your disposal. The takings include God of War (2018), Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker (2018) and Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (2021). Every game listed here will be available to download from the first Tuesday of the month, which is the 7th. Read on for a full rundown of what is on offer.
Otherwise, you can watch some gameplay footage of each title by clicking here.
PlayStation Plus Free Games

Image source: Know Your Meme
God pf War (2018)
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Developer: Santa Monica Studio
Genre: Action/Adventure
Series: God of War
Certificate: 18+
Released: 20th April 2018
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows
Wow!Oh wow! Does this game really need an introduction? Okay, for those of you not ‘in the know’, God of War (2018) is recognised as one of the best games ever made. The eighth instalment in the iconic series, God of War (2018) puts you in the feet of everyone’s favourite Greek God Kratos accompanied by his young son Atreus embarking on a journey to spread the ashes of his deceased wife at the peak of the nine realms. Do not worry, this is not an extensive babysitting simulator, Atreus can handle himself surprisingly well.
Focussing more on Norse mythology than Greek in earlier titles, this is a reimagined take on the franchise with notable changes since its predecessor God of War III (2010). The gameplay adopts an over-the-shoulder perspective as well as various role-playing-game mechanics being implemented. Furthermore, Atreus provides assistance in combat and overcoming obstacles as you can seamlessly jump between controlling each character when necessary.
This PlayStation exclusive is really a treat that is hard to beat. Boasting incredible visuals from the Propretary engine, masterful storytelling and silky-smooth hack-and-slash melee combat. This is one you do not want to miss. A 9/10-10/10 across the board from reviewers and players alike. A modern masterpiece for sure.

Image source: God is a Geek
Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker
Publisher: BNE Entertainment
Developer: Solel
Genre: Action/Fighting
Series: Naruto
Certificate: 3+
Released: 30th August 2018
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows
While 2018 brought us God of War, on the other end of the gaming spectrum, it also brought us Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker. This is an open arena-based fighting game that combines combat with traversing the arena with wall-running and zip-lining. Four shinobi (ninja) face another four Shinobi, of which you can customise the appearance of yours as you battle it out with Naruto-style animations, fighting styles and visuals.
Reviews range from 6-7/10 across the board, so if you are a fan of the television series, this might be one for you.

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
Publisher: Gamemill Entertainment
Developer: Ludosity
Genre: Action/Fighting
Certificate: 3+
Released: 2021
Platforms: PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One/S/X, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch
Last and possibly least on this list is Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl. This is a platform fighter were you control one of your favourite Nickelodeon characters to face off in a blaze of glory against the rest. This might be overcooking it a little bit. Imagine Smash Bros but with classic Nickelodeon characters instead. While a reconnection with childhood icons would be a welcomed feature but the characters lack a lot of resemblance or voice-acting so it does not bare much nostalgia value.
Could be a fun game if you find yourself bored or want to entertain a young family member for an hour.
Final Words
There you have it! The PlayStation Plus free games available in June 2022. God of War is a fantastic addition to any gaming library while Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker and Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl are fun, if not underwhelming additions by comparison. That being said, most games quarrel in comparison to the PlayStation exclusive.
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