Zombies have become an ever present presence in pop culture. With the genre growing bigger and bigger since George Romero arguably created the modern zombie in his blockbuster hit Night of the Living Dead in . Movies are not the only medium the genre excels in as the Zombie genre of games exploding in popularity in the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 generation. With the genre starting to get seen as a safe risk more developers dipped their toes into the blood, gore, and cannibalism. As it became something studios were sure to bring the money in. So, let’s look back at some of the best zombies games ranked…..
Best Zombies Games Ranked: Top 5
5 – Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2 enhanced the original outing by adding more maps, melee weapons, and new enemy types. The addictive and challenging gameplay stood as for many as they sunk hundreds of hours in the games different campaigns, and other game modes. Left 4 Dead 2 really was value for money. With nothing rivalling its Co-Op zombie experience, apart from the predecessor! Working together, even ones on your couch, with people to bulldoze your way through hordes of zombies was almost cathartic. Unless someone provokes the witch!
4 – Dead Island

Dead Island added an island into the mix, as it was an action RPG set on the island of Banoii during a zombie outbreak. With players able to find and obtain blueprints to upgrade their weapons and add visually different attack effects. Despite a few glitches and complaints about the graphics, Dead Island was some of the most fun you could have on an Xbox 360. With the sequel finally hitting shelves last year after years in developmental hell, players have more than enough reason to go back to Banoii! I know I do every couple of years.
Best Zombies Games Ranked: Top 3
3 – Dying Light

Dying Light was Tech Island’s 3rd attempt at a zombie game, having left their agreement with Deep Silver they had to say goodbye to the Dead Island IP. This appeared to be a blessing in disguise as whilst Dead Island 2 was in developmental hell Tech Island released not one but two entrees into their brand new zombie IP. One that featured parkour mechanics that could rival Assassin’s Creed’s or Mirror’s Edge’s.
2 – State of Decay 2

State of Decay was the first zombie game to allow the players to actually live in a zombified world. One where they had to set up base, collect food and water, save survivors, and could die. The game blew expectations out of the water as it was just so god darn good. Then Undead Labs upped the ante by adding multiplayer Co-Op into the sequel. A solid zombie game was now the go to standard, one that all open-world zombie games would forever be compared to.
Best Zombies Games Ranked: Top 1
1 – Telltale’s The Walking Dead Season 1

Hitting you in the feels whilst reeling you in, Telltale’s the Walking Dead was a hit for the developer. Leading it to basically clone the “winning formula” of TWD Season 1 for every other IP it could get it’s hands on. Eventually in doing so wearing the company so thin that nothing was up to scratch, and it dissolved. Luckily, Telltale is back and hopefully, HOPEFULLY! We get another Season of TWD or a whole new series following a new character. The series was just too good to be gone for good. It is still the best TWD game ever produced.