The Cher Show Review – Empire Theatre, Liverpool

The Cher Show
Image Source: ATG

This is our review of The Cher Show at Liverpool‘s Empire Theatre. So, let’s take a look at The Cher Show!

Synopsis Of The Cher Show

Despite her charisma, wit, and talent, Cher – originally Cherilyn Sarkisian – was always shy and fearful. And this show provides a retrospective telling of Cher’s story by, well, turning back time! We see three ladies playing Cher at various stages of her life: Millie O’Connell, Debbie Kurup, and Danielle Steers. Together, they piece together Cher’s journey, from a young girl aspiring for fame to an international superstar.

However, Cher has many ups and downs. One minute, she’s on top of the world, and the next minute, she’s down in the dumps. Occasionally, she actually hits both points simultaneously. We see how her relationship with Sonny Bono (Lucas Rush) blossoms and ultimately deteriorates. Additionally, we notice how Cher evolves both as a performer and as a woman through the 1960s and 1970s. When one chapter of her life ends, another incredible chapter begins. And just when everybody believes that they’ve seen the last of Cher, she makes everyone Believe in her again.

Analysis Of The Cher Show

It goes without saying that Cher fans are going to love this production. There are lots of laughs with Cher expressing a dry sense of humour. Even beneath her struggles and during her toughest moments, Cher still manages to stay strong. It’s a fascinating story in part because it differs from the usual biography of a musical legend. Unlike many, Cher would succeed in various fields: music, television, theatre, and movies. She succeeded at the highest levels and had more comebacks than anyone could count.

I personally appreciated the small touches that brought various years to life. It really did feel like we were living through different generations as the years ticked by due to the props and costumes. I also have to mention the spectacular lighting effects, which while occasionally dazzling, lit up the auditorium in a stunning manner. But of course, the heartbeat of this show is the discography. And all your favourite Cher songs get an airing at some stage. These include If I Could Turn Back Time; Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves; I Got You Babe; and Believe.

Summary Of The Cher Show

It’s interesting that the subplot of this show is how people would often laugh at Cher. Because when I think of Cher, I instantly think of her amazing music and her larger-than-life personality. And this production does a great job of telling Cher’s story through the highs and lows, with a thoroughly upbeat finale. Make sure to stick around till the very end for the best part of all. And hopefully, it gives everyone that attends the show a pointer to always Believe in yourself.

Overall Rating: 9/10 – Outstanding