DVD Review: WWE Elimination Chamber 2011

Image Source: Amazon

Written By: Mark Armstrong

Running Time: 173 Minutes
Certificate: 15
Number Of Discs: 1
Studio: Clear Vision Ltd/Silver Vision
Released: June 6 2011

Coming days after The Rock finally returned to WWE (which is here as a DVD extra) and 24 hours before a memorable Undertaker-Triple H confrontation, Elimination Chamber 2011 is often forgotten, but as I’ll outline, it delivers some real excitement.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston is a good starter, but things really accelerate in a great Chamber match, one that’s up there amongst the best EC encounters, as Edge successfully retains his World Heavyweight Championship In grand fashion. Christian returns post-match to rescue Edge from an ADR assault (during which Del Rio almost appears to choke out Edge for real).

The Corre vs. Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov is about as exciting as it sounds (i.e. not very), and a segment involving Trish Stratus and LayCool features some embarrassingly-written dialogue for Trish. Better is Jerry Lawler’s against-the-odds attempt to dethrone The Miz as WWE Champion, though he is unsuccessful.

In the main event, John Cena wins a second Chamber match which isn’t as good as the earlier contest but does have its moments, most provided by John Morrison. Cena earned a WWE Championship shot against Miz at WrestleMania, but as we would soon learn, his real nemesis would be The Rock as their two-year on-off rivalry was just getting started.

With one great Chamber match and quality action elsewhere on the card (the Trish segment is the only awful part of the show), Elimination Chamber makes for a surprisingly enjoyable DVD viewing experience.

Overall Rating: 7.5/10 – Good